AMEB Exam Guides by Lina Chan

These exam guides aim to provide students and teachers a guide to preparing for AMEB, ABRSM, and Lina’s Music House (LMH) examinations. The material is presented in an easy to understand format, and is to be used in conjunction with the most current AMEB, ABRSM and LMH syllabus; AMEB or ABRSM aural and sight reading publications; and the AMEB, ABRSM, or LMH Music grade books.  Students who do not satisfy all examination requirements will not be awarded in most cases. Not only does this affect the student’s confidence and self esteem, but it also shows the inexperience of the teacher. For this reason, Lina created these exam guides as part of the LMH education system to provide all the essential requirements the student will need to to pass their music examination.

Lina has used many of her own teaching experiences in these series of exam guides. She hopes these publications will help teachers, parents and students gain more confidence in preparing for music examinations.

“Music is an international language which can be used around the world. As music educators, we should encourage students to enjoy their musical journey and help them understand the benefits of quality music education.”- Lina Chan

Guiding a student through their musical journey through encouraging creativity, improvisation and self discovery not only will make the music learning process more enjoyable, but will also be a rewarding experience for the teacher. The exam guides (pictures below) will be on sale from February 2015 to LMH students only.

Singing Exam Guide Grade 4 Singing Exam Guide Grade 1 Singing Exam Guide Grade 2singing exam guide 3 version 2 Singing Exam Guide Grade 4 AMEB Prep to four cover lined up design