The Healthy Performer on stage and in life
The healthier you are, the better you perform. This is true whether you are a musician, an athlete or even an entrepreneur. When your body and mind are working at their best, you create conditions for you to achieve your musical potential. Think you don’t have enough time for a good workout? Before you skip it, ask yourself if you can spare just 10 minutes.
Boost your performance with:
- Sound nutrition – keep up to date with our LMH style blog for simple healthy food recipes
- Physical exercise
- Quality sleep
- Stress relieving methods – will blog about this another time.
Let’s begin the 10 minute total body workout….
Basic Plank
The basic plank is great to help tone inner core muscles, build strength and flexibility in posterior muscles, as well as improve balance and posture.
Single Arm Plank
This single arm plank is a variation of the basic plank.
Star fish side plank
This exercise works out your entire core. With this exercise, you’ll reduce your risk for lower back pain, build strength, and look better than ever.
Criss Cross
Criss cross focuses on the abdominals with a special emphasis on the obliques. One benefit of working the obliques is that they help define the waist.
V- ups
V-ups are a great ab workout if you want a more challenging exercise.
Overall, this is a more advanced exercise that you should NOT attempt if you have any lower back issues, or experience any low back pain as you complete the exercise.
Single Leg Forward Stretch
This is a great exercise for a total body workout.
- Stand with all your weight on your left foot, abs engaged and chest lifted.
- Reach your torso forward as you lift your right leg behind you. Reach your arms outward for balance as your torso and leg come parallel to the floor.
- Hold this position for a moment, and reach through your right heel to engage the back of the right leg.
- Moving in one piece, lower your right leg toward the floor as you return to standing upright, resting the right foot lightly on the ground. This completes one rep.
You can do all the above exercises with a group of friends or with your partner. The more enjoyable and social each workout session is, the more you will look forward to the next workout session.
Basic Lunges
Lunges are one of the most effective lower-body exercises. Strengthening these large muscle groups can speed up your metabolism, which is beneficial if you’re trying to lose weight. When excess fat is reduced from your lower body, lunges can help you shape, tone and firm up your bottom and legs.
Basic planks
You can face your partner while doing planks to keep each other company. It is a great way to encourage each other to hold the plank as long as possible.
Push ups Variation 1
Doing push ups on a regular basis will strengthen, tone and build the upper body major muscles, which can make daily activities easier and improve sports performance.
Push Ups Variation 2
Body Balance
Make physical activity a regular part of your life. Having an active lifestyle can help you protect your health, build confidence and can completely transform your physical appearance and your life. My goal is to be lean, fit and healthy and still have time to enjoy the finer things in life.
“Time is our most valuable asset” – Jim Rohn
Behind the scenes (The making of this blog)
Johnny Chan ( My brother), Je-an Lui ( Johnny’s girlfriend), David Nguyen (an internationally successful Archery tutorial video youtube celebrity) and I went on a day trip to the Macedon ranges Hanging Rock and Malsmbury Botanic Gardens in Victoria for the photo-shoot. Hanging Rock is a rare volcanic formation from around 6 million years ago. Malmsbury Botanic Gardens has one of the loveliest settings of any of Victoria’s numerous regional botanic gardens and is amongst the least pretentious. Macedon Ranges is less than an hour’s drive from Melbourne.
Credits to my two models

Je-an Lui is a final year student in Bachelor of Aviation (Management)/ Bachelor of Commerce. She is barista for one of Melbourne’s leading cafés.